Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Analyse these pictures!!!

Are you able to identify the seed leave?

Observe them in the following photographs which are
arranged in sequence with respect to time.

Are you able to see the change in its size?

The change in its size is more obvious now.

The seed leave has almost dried up completely.

Some of them have completely dried up and dropped off.

Some close-up look of the seed leave.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Experiments on Germination of Seeds - Day 1 to 8 (End of Experiment)

Objective of the experiments:
To determine on what the seeds need for germination to take place.

Teacher to elicit from pupils on the above and to get the pupils to design on the below setups for confirmation.

Pupils' inputs upon elicitation prior the experiment:
The seeds need air, water, sunlight and warmth for germination to take place.

Set up 1 - Air + Water + Sunlight (in front of the window)

Day 1 - Start of experiment

Day 2 - Not much change except for the softening of the seed coat
Day 3 - About the same as day 2

Day 4 - The seeds started to sprout. :)

Day 6 - Roots are longer by now.

Day 8 - The plants have grown taller.

Set up 2 - Limited Air (air tight container) + water + sunlight (in front of window)

Day 1

Day 2 - Sprouting took place (Do you know why?)
Day 3 - The roots are getting longer

Day 4 - The shoots and the leaves appeared.
Can you identify them? Are you also able to identify the seed leave?
Day 6 - Wow... they have grown so tall! :)
Day 8 - They are getting taller by each day! :)

Set up 3 - Limited Air (as suggested by pupils) + Water + Sunlight (Placed in front of the window)

Day 1

Day 2 - One of the seeds sprouted (Do you know why?)
Day 3 - The other four seeds also sprouted
Day 4 - The first seed to sprout has its shoot and leaves now.
Day 6 - All have sprouted and are able to see the shoots and leaves now.
Day 8 - They are getting taller by each day! :)

Set up 4 - Very limited Air (Tried to squeeze out all the air) + Water + Sunlight (Placed in front of the window)

Day 1

Day 2 - Seeds sprouted!!!! (Why?)

Day 3 - The roots are longer now, and water vapour can be seen on the surface of the bag
Day 4 - I can see the shoot, seed leave and leaves now.
As the inital bag is too small, I had to move the plants to another bigger bag.
Day 6 - They are growing fast. :)

Day 8 - They have grown surprisingly big by day 8.

Set up 5 - Air + Water + No Sunlight (Placed inside the computer console)

Day 1

Day 2 - No visible change at the moment
Day 3 - No visible change at the moment
Day 4 - No visible change at the moment.
Day 6 - Yay!!! They have finally sprouted! :) Wow! They can germinate even at dark places!
Day 8 - They are getting taller by each day.

Set up 6 - Air + Water + No warmth (Placed inside the fridge)

Day 1

Day 2 - No visible change at the moment

Day 3 - No visible change at the moment
Day 4 - No visible change at the moment.
Day 6 - No visible change at the moment.
Day 8 - Wow!!!! Three of the five seeds have sprouted in the fridge!!!!
What do you think happen?

Set up 7 - Air + No Water (Dry cotton pad) + Sunlight (Placed in front of the window)

Day 1

Day 2 - No visible change at the moment
Day 3 - No visible change at the moment

Day 4 - No visible change at the moment.
Day 6 - No visible change at the moment.
Day 8 - The seeds have not germinated.